Thursday, March 12, 2015

Life as a babysitter

Meet Charlie and Maddy. Charlie is in first grade and Maddy is in preschool. Here a tea party is happening with the teddy bear attending also. These kids are so much fun. They add so much to my life. And keep me hopping:)
Meet Arthur. He is three and loves everything that boys love...from guns, to bat and ball, to playing farm, and of course, playing outside:)
 Maddy is full of life and love:)Here, she was trying out my scarf and boots. She loves clothes, so of course, you can never have too many:)
Rice Krispies with a happy face, and of course we try to apply that to life. The happy face, that is:)
 While the others go to school, we get to hang out...and after lunch Arthur likes to ask me "When are we gonna pick up Maddy?":) Which is normally around 1:30...and that always makes him happy.
Yes, this child is cute.

Normally we do homework after he gets home from school. What else normally happens after school?SNACK. You have to have plenty of it:)
They got a kick out of dressing the bear up in Maddy's clothes:)
Maddy and her kitty:)
I really can't imagine life without these kiddos anymore. Yes, we do have our days ,but its been so much fun. I weally do love them:) -Kelsi

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Sovereign Lord

"Though the fig tree does not bud,
and I am alone
and there are no grapes on the vines ,
and I can find no joy in the world right now
though the olive crop fails,
and I have nothing to soothe my open wounds
and the fields produce no food,
and I'm out of a job or hate the one I have;
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no one warms me on cold nights,
and no cattle in the stalls
and I have no tangible basis for feeling secure,
yet I will REJOICE in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Saviour,
The Sovereign Lord is my strength,
he make my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights."
Habukuk 3:17-19
Finding God  by Larry Crabb

Sometimes life is hard. Things happen that we don't understand. God takes us places we don't want to go to. Places of surrender. Of forgiveness. But we don't want to let go and we want to know WHY. We want answers. We want healing. Sometimes more than we want God, and God wants us to want Him more than ANYTHING. We don't always realize that surrender is more than letting go, it's giving our lives completely to someone who will not leave our side, who knows what's best. And when we trust that God is good no matter what, it is then that we can rest in Him. The Lord is sovereign. He is our strength. He loves us matter how many times we fail, mess up, He is still there and loves us just the same. So basically what I' m trying to say amid all my ramblings, is seek to find God in each moment of life. Choose to rejoice.