Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Peter denied Jesus three times.
The third time Jesus turned and locked eyes with Peter.
His eyes cried out...What have you done?
Do you really care about me?
Where is your heart?

How often are we like Peter?We say we love Jesus and will be faithful, but when the real test comes we are often too scared to stand up for Jesus' name. We go with the flow instead of being strong in what we believe. How often do you think Jesus' heart cries out with pain at our rejection? We told him we would follow him no matter what the cost, but then it comes, and the cost requires too much to give up...and we break our promise.
Are our hearts grounded in God? Are they so firmly rooted that they will stay there, no matter what comes our way?
Children of God:
Take up your cross and FOLLOW the one who died for you...and rose again to bring you life.
True life.