Friday, April 18, 2014

The pursuit of all things

We pursue many things.
A better job.
A greater career.
A nicer house.
Dreams close to our hearts.
We pursue peace.
We ask for strength.
We want happiness.
Seeking, searching...
We are all doing it.
We are all pursuing something.
But really, what is our greatest pursuit?
A greater career can be good.
We need strength.
Life without happiness isn't really worth living.
All these...they are good things to pursue, but are our pursuits getting confused?
Are we wanting comfort of life more than Jesus?
Are we praying for peace and strength instead of asking Jesus to fill us with Him?
And are we trying to figure out what God is doing instead of resting in Him?
Pursue the heart of God.
Want Him more that anything.
He WILL meet your needs.
