Saturday, April 14, 2012


by Kelsia

Today, see life as half-full, instead of half-empty.
See how blessed you are instead of all that's wrong.
Today, thank God for everything He's done instead of
Telling Him all that He's not doing or should do.
Today, love your life and forget about the unfairness in it.
At least you're not dead. At least you have a chance. Take it.
Go all out for God. Follow your dreams.
Today, look beyond your tear-filled eyes to the one up above,
It may be raining now--but remember--there's always
Sunshine just beyond the clouds.
Today, sing God's song, even when you have no song
Left to sing. Even when the notes begin to falter. Even when
You're singing all by yourself. Ask God for that everlasting melody.
Today, ask for God's strength instead of trying to do
Everything on your own.
Today, choose life. And love. And laughter.
Today, bring God the sacrifice of praise.
Even when you don't feel like praising Him, do anyway.
Bring God that sacrifice.
Today, be all that you can be, because there might not
Be a tomorrow.
Today, live with purpose,
Today, remember the good in life and the good memories.
Let the rest wash away. Let Jesus heal your heart.
Rejoice. Because God created you . . .
Because you are special and
Have a beautiful plan to fulfill.
Choose God.

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